Social networks are a great tool, but they aren’t the only sales channel. So today we will see 7 benefits of having a website: The E-Commerce Implementing e-commerce on our website will not just make your products visible 24/7, but also give you information about your customers with cookies, which can be used for future…
Posts Tagged
Web Design
The Responsive Design and it’s great importance today
The responsive design is a standard today. Develop a website without consider the screen sizes for every mobile devices and desktop computers is a big mistake. But for the users who don’t know what is a responsive design (or what web developers mean with that term), I wrote this small post about the importance that…
Do you want a visually appealing website for your customers?
Hi, my name is Raúl Gonzalo Martiarena Valdivia, I am a web developer and I want to give you a welcome to my blog by writing some guidelines to offer a visually appealing website for your customers at this digital age…